Saturday, 24 April 2010

Sydney Southside!

Hey all!

Quick update...I amazingly woke up at 730am today. For like the first time EVER. Then after laying in bed for half an hour, got bored, and got up. I was faced with a horrible dilema with what id do for the rest of my day, because everyone knows that the mornings are filled with demons, and are REALLY best ignoring.. :P

Then one of the blokes in my room had a great idea. We were just chatting, and he was like 'hey! why dont you borrow my van (1970 bright yellow toyota Hi-ace called Trevor. VER cool). So i was like 'AWESOME! YES!'. But couldnt get it started. Well, I COULD just about get it started after 20mins of messing around, because you have to perform some sort of satanic ritual on it to get it going, and slaughter a goat. And a dingo. but THEN i realised that it had some strange stick shift system, and I really wasnt going to get the hang of that at 9am. It was stupid. 1st - 3rd and 2nd - 4th - reverse appeared to be EXACTLY the same gear..So i gave in. I had images of me stalling it in the middle of an intersection, and just having to leave it there because id ran out of goats and dingos to start the thing again... :P

So then i sat down with my tea, dejected. Before realising that Louisa, who im travelling up the coast with on friday got a cheap car from budget. So i tried them, and managed to blag a 3.0l Vauxhall Omega for $55 (it was supposed to be an astra, or whatever theyre called over here). Which was cool. But HUGE. And doesnt fit in the shity sydney streets (the lanes are about 1/2 the width of a car, and theres 3 of them). Still. It had a really good radio, and a really good rock station. And a jazz station. And an alt-country station...

So yes. Long story short I headed down the south coast. Out of syndey, down to Kiara, then I went across to a rainforest in...maybe minnamurra, then went back via a crazy mountain road, which would be AMAZING on a motorbike, with hairpin bends, and "Soft Edges" (which is polite Aussie for 'Sheer f***ing 200ft drop'). Then back into sydney. Got lost in sydney CBD for about 300 years, then came back home..

It was nice. The road i followed went STRAIGHT along the sea, so you had amazing views all the way along it, then i stopped at a pub in a village called scarborough for lunch, which had the most amazing view out the back of it, straight over the ocean. That was really nice...Then just carried on down, stopping here and there...

I nearly got trapped in the rain forest too...they close the national parks at 5pm. So theres me at 4.55pm doing about 100kph down essentially a farm track to get out out of there in time, because theyd already locked the footpath i was supposed to take, so i had to find a new way out, and climb over a few fences, and over a few 'DONT TREAD HERE. SPECIAL RAINFOREST' signs. Thanks guys! ..It was nice though. The mountains reminded me a bit of the lake district, but the flat-lands looked just like Devon...definately an improvement on sydney..

I dont like these stupid speed limits though. 100kph. YOU try making a 3.0 v6 0r v8 or whatever JUST do 100kph. you tapped the accelerator, and it was like BWAAAAAHHHHHHHHH'M DOING ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY HAHAHAHAHAGGGHH!.

So yes. Long story. Probably quite boring to read, but it was a really really nice day. I enjoyed myself...

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