Monday, 24 May 2010


Woohoo! (ish) Finally made it to melbourne...I spent my last few days in Cairns relaxing. I didnt really have the money to do the reef after the nazi car company stealing all of my money. I DID however meet up with a friend from Sydney, which was pretty cool. Lol, it turned out that one of her friends was in the same hostel as me, and she knew pretty much everyone I Did, which was quite weird..Almost as weird as their digeridoo competition!

There was an awesome band playing on the friday too in the town centre, just randomly. And fire jugglers, and random line-dancing groups. LOADS of stuff...It was quite cool to see! also going to stop at this point, and say that the reason my sentances are less structured thajn a drunk hippo's first turd of the day are because ive just finished my 1st day at work. As such I am dead. As such I am exempt from such paltry things as punctuation, and sense.. :P It was cold and raining, and i was stuck in the branch, It was almost like I was back home again in england! :P

AAaanyways, I caught the flight down to melbourne on Saturday. Stayed at this fairly shit hostel, where the showers didnt work properly, and my room was 1/4 filled with psychotic Japanese. I rolled in at 130am to go to bed. The bloke woke up, so i was like 'sorry dude, hows it going? Im chris', where he leaps out of bed, pushes me in the chest and goes 'NO!'

So i was like 'erm. yes.
'ME: no. Right room. Theres my stuff' mate'
CRAZY JAP: *pushes me again* 'NO!! WRONG ROOM! FOR ME! THERES 3 OF US HERE!'

Now at this point im getting quite annoyed, because im tired, ive been flying for 4-5 hours, and i just want to sleep. But at the same time I didnt quite know how to handle the situation. I mean, I cant hit the bloke after only having spoke 10 words to him. Tempting though. In the end i settled for:

ME: 'Yeah. And four beds. That bed *points* is mine. Like THAT stuff *points* is mine. Now im going to bed..,'
C J: 'I said 3 people per room!! Why they no' Listen! 3 people!'

* get changed. Get into bed* THEN the bloke was like 'aaahhh. Sorry Sorry sorry! Not your fault. Sorry sorry! And then tries to chat to me..

Safe to say I got out of that hostel pretty sharpish! Im in another one now, right next to flinders street station for ease of getting to work, but Ill probably move on fairly sharpish. Its fairly soul-less here...I really want to move to St Kilda, but its really the wrong side of the city for work.

Im meeting up with Paul (Welland) on the weekend too..We're getting a few beers in, and then going to watch an Aussie Rules football match at the msg. Sounds pretty cool...Lol, sods law I come to visit him, and its the only week hes been sent away for a week! :P Ph well!

Other than that, ive got a few more 6am starts this week., Then im free for a few days. I bloody hate working! :P

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