Friday, 2 July 2010

Fair Dinkums

So Ive decided to do my next installment before i forget everything Ive done!

Last week was pretty cool...Ive been mostly living off the hostel again! On the tuesday I did the open mic night again, this time with my wonderful assistant Lara, and sang a few songs, got some free punch, and another hour on the computers, which was pretty cool!

Then on the wednesday It was a Free Cheese and wine night, which was awesome! I mean, seriously, I need to go back in time, find the man who invented cheese, and kiss him. :P There was some pretty good wine too. ALSO, I managed to win a neighbours night ($40) down the local pub, by thinking up the best descriptive word for the wine I was drinking.

I decided to go with flambiguious'. (V. Meaning "to win a free night out, whilst watching Karl Kennedy and Paul Whatshisname from neighbours perform at the pub round the corner, instead of actually paying for anything! :P)

so yes, that should be pretty cool! On top of that I went out yesterday to this pretty cool rock bar called the cherry tree or something, that was awesome. despite having probably the cheesiest rock / metal band playing.[ They were called something ridiculous like 'dont rape the cat' or something, with someone that looked like a f***ed up billy connelly on guitar(as if hed never left the glasgow docks), and alexi sale gone wrong singing. well. I say singing. Its hard to describe without making up another word, so im going to use contagilibulous. He was INCREDIBLY contagilibulous. Which was funny..

Anywys, Ive got 3mins of internet left, so i guess ill leave you guys for antoher few days!

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