Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Barbie in the Hood!

I had a pretty cool barbeque on saturday...Id helped organised it because I was bored, and it was probably one of the peaks of red cliffs. Basically everyone in the hostel put in $15 and that paid for food and beer for EVERYONE!

Everyone in the hostel, and a load of mates mates from Mildura came down, and it was one massive pi..i mean, knees up from start to finish. My memories are a bit to check out some of the photos from facebook!

Things I DONT remember are:

* Anything past 10pm
* Anything before 10pm
* How I got up / made it through work the next morning at 4am
* Getting on Big Lizzie, the traction engine, for a picture.

Things I DO remember are:

* Why I dont drink a crate of beer when i have to work the next day.

Isnt hindsight a wonderful thing?

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