Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Stotty Actually does Sydney again.. :P

I spent one..well, two (the bus left at 9pm) more days in Byron bay in the end, although had to give up my luxury 12 million dollar appartment with butler, for a 5 bed share dorm in YHA Byron was pretty good though. I was just wondering around, and ran into another three mates that I'd met in Fremantle at good ol' Sundancers, so we chilled out and had a bit of lunch together. It was good...although I think theyd had a heavy night the night before, so they were a little subdued!

Then I went back to the hostel, and had an Indiana Jones Video marathon, before getting the f*** out of dodge. So that was it. Another 13 hours on the most uncomfortable (and cramped) bus ever (ive sat on more comfortable concrete!)

So yeah, finally got to Sydney to meet my mate Alex Gosbee, who I found on a park bench across from the train station (he tells me he hadnt always been there, but im not quite sure I believe him.. :P). So yeah, let the new adventures begin! He's after a campervan (he's found a few of them he likes (and about a hundred that he doesnt. One was $4500, its engine was about to give in, it wouldnt start on the gas, and the roof was about to fall off due to rust, and the tracking was about 60degrees out)) so hopefully soon we'll be able to head out on another road trip!

The first night we were here we tried to meet up with my mate Dom from Fremantle, but hed fallen into a food coma, so we ended up going to this bar called The (three) Wise Monkeys, it was really cool. Well, it was nice downstairs, but half way through the evening we eventually realised that there was a live band upstairs. So yes that made the evening even better! Spent far too much money though...Then yesterday we finally managed to meet up with Dom (albiet far too bloody late. We got there at 10pm in the end)

Today im busking as much as possible to try and get a dollar or two, and Alex is going to get his van (possibly maybe...). So yes, keep you posted!

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