Saturday, 11 February 2012

...AND Stotty finally gets the hell out of Sydney! :)

Right, after all of that, there was nothing holding us back, so we packed our bags, and with a trumpety trump trump, made our way to the Circus. Well, actually Newcastle, where we stayed the night (We had to transfer the camper into our names). The campsite there was pretty expensive  but it was right on the beach, so we chilled out on the beach, had a few beers, then went for a walk along this jetty where they had incorporated all these ships that had got wrecked before the breakwater was actually built. It was pretty good stuff!

After that we Drove most of the way to Byron. The weather was Atrocious all the way up, with massive storms. We got most of the way, and pulled over in this really shitty layby place with lorries driving by all night (they are huge things over there, with 3 or 4 trailiers on them, and massive 12+ litre engines, so they sound more like moving foghorns than trucks!

Then we got to Byron Bay, and stayed at this really cool hostel called the Arthouse. Also, even though it was raining right up until we got into Byron Bay, then as soon as we passed the sign, it was clear blue skies. So yes. My Curse (every time I went there it rained) was lifted! :P But yes. it was only $20 a night to park the camper in the carpark, we got to use the full facilities of the hostel, and right across the carpark was the Byron Bay Brewerys Buddah Bar, which serves some damn good beer!

On the first night it was an open Mic night, where I won $30, which was pretty good for 2 songs. Especially as everyone else who played was absolutely awesome! Oh, and I got a free beer. So yes, that was a good night! The next day I went on a free tour with this mental bloke called Cockatoo Paul, who had a pet Cockatoo and did bush tours. It was only an hours walk around the grounds, but I learnt a lot of useful stuff about what plants you can and cant eat, making rope from plants, eating flowers, and Throwing spears (Hee hee!) :)

Then I just chilled out and did a bit of busking, before meeting up with my mate Julian from Freo on the friday night, which was good! We went to the Buddah Bar, and then on to this hotel in town where they also had live music. I was pretty wasted, but had a really good night..

Then Gosbees mates from Sydney caught up with us, and and we met up with them for a BBQ and a few drinks on the monday night, (as well as 3 really hot Kiwi Girls) before setting off to Gold Coast and then Brisbane.

Gold Coast (Surfers Paradise) is a pretty shite place though...its all high rise tower blocks, and. Well, I dont like it at all...stopped there for a few hours, chilled on the beach, tried a bit of busking, got bored, then came over to Brisbane..

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