Friday, 17 February 2012

Brisbane - Airlie Beach

After we left Brisbane, we set off for Rainbow Beach. Its only a small town, but its a really really cool spot. If you read some of my earliest blogs on the trip youll read all about it...Not much happened, we just went back to the campsite (I knew where the free one was this time, and didnt have to get chased around for 2 hours by the police [who didnt want people just camping in the carpark next to the beach], which is always good! :P ). We just chilled out, swam in the sea for a bit, drank a few beers, then carried on up the coast the next day...

The next real stop was Airlie beach, but that was 12hours from Rainbow Beach, so we obviously cut the journey in half. We stopped in a roadhouse in Marlsbourough, which was actually quite nice. It had some weird creatures though. They might have been Praying Mantis', but, Well. I dont know. Ive given up on Australian animals. Im not sure most of them are real. Every time I try to describe them, they end up sounding made up.. :) They were long, green, massive wings. Okay, lets try another way. Cross a Lotus with a Cucumber, and then add two massive antenna...see, made up. That clearly doesnt exist. In fact, I trod on it, so theres a distinct posibility that even if it did before, it no longer does.. :P

Then after that, we set off for the easy (ha!) journey to Airlie....Then promptly got stuck in a closed road, where two trucks had basically ran off the road, and crashed. I saw the remains of one of them go past (12 hours later...good bloody job we had tea, and beers in the fridge! :P), and it was knackered. Shredded...So yes. I started the 1st annual Bruce Hwy Festival 2012, by plugging in my guitar to the vans batterys and hammering out a few songs to keep all the truckies entertained...Cool stuff! The Truckies are all mental though..real nice people, but definately a bit tapped.

 Ha, to give you an example, one was so pissed off with Queensland Police, 'he said, C**t! You C**ts are so F**king Backwards, you even f**king walk backwards! C**t!'. (This was the bloke who was missing the leg that youd use for Accelerator and Brake. Bit dodgy... :)). He also had a massive roo bar on the front of his truck. "Wow, thats one hell of a roo bar mate, you hit many with that thing?" I said. "Yeah, Yeah, Couple. Hit a Blaady car the other day too. C**t cut me up. Pushed the sheila 100m down the road" Came the Aussies reply. I just sidled off and hid at that point... :)

Anyways, like I said, a mere 12 hours later, they finally reopened the road (we couldnt go round, because it was 400ks back to where we started, and then 6-700ks on the loop to the next down, THEN another 300ks to Airlie. And we set off. Slept in a real shite rest stop over night again, because it was too dark, the roads are awful, and we were both pretty tired...

Then we got to Airlie. Its awesome here. Were in a real nice campsite just out of town, but ive been doing a bit of busking. Thursday went okay, $150. Friday would have gone amazing. I made $100 in an hour before the clubs kicked everyone out, but then the sodding police came, and told me to move on otherwise theyd arrest me. Bastards. I mean, seriously, get a real job. In fact I might let them if they ask me tonight. It'll look awesome on my criminal Record. Chris Stott-Busking. 20/2/12 :) Also, it might be a quick way home if I do it after my visa runs out...bang. Free ticket home .. :)

Still, im not stopping. Im going to get the $320 I need for a sailing trip round the whitsundays if it kills me! So yes, watch this space...therell be plenty of updates if they have Wifi in Gaol! :)

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