Thursday 22 April 2010

*Sings* MOVING ON UP, IM MOVING ON UP...okay, okay! Ill stop!

Just a quick update. Ive finally made something vaguely resembeling a travel plan! I was going to stick around in Sydney, but i just want to see a bit of Australia, and not get stuck in one place. So im moving up to Brisbane..

Im heading off next friday with 2-3 girls from the hostel (score!! :p), and probably stopping off in Newcastle for Lunch / a chill out on the beach, then im heading onwards to. Well, eventually we'll stop in byron bay for a night or two, head on over to Nimbin, on the reccommendation of Debbie and Max, stay there for a bit, then head into Brisbane.

Then, once im there, theres a few people from the hostel here in Sydney (everyone seems to be migrating north) are going for a few nights on Fraiser Island, so im going to jump on the tour with them, and spend a few nights sleeping on the island. Which is going to be awesome. (lol, its going to be like one of those f*****d up american road-trip movies isnt it?? Me being the token black guy! :P)

THEN im going to work!


  1. Oh. and i made another 10c with my busking! :P Woohoo!!

  2. Byron bay is wicked mate.. You have missed out on bluesfest though which was awesome. DO check out the beaches at the edge of Byron.

    They also have a communtiy radio station out there too which is worth a listen..
